The Secret of Bhagat Singh’s
His slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ came
to replace ‘Vande Mataram’
Challenging the mighty British Empire made
him extremely popular
Dr. Hari Desai
being an atheist and a hardcore leftist, even after 88 years of his martyrdom
he continues to be a popular revolutionary icon not only
in India but even in Pakistan. Lovingly hailed as Shaheed-e-Azam, the
name of Bhagat Singh is hailed by leftist as well as rightist. He continues to
be the most popular hero of the youth. The first Prime Minister Jawaharlal
Nehru referred to “the phenomenon of Bhagat Singh, and his sudden and amazing
popularity in north India”. Bhagat Singh was not the first martyr of the
national struggle for freedom, nor was he the last. Prof. Harish Puri notes while exploring his
amazing popularity in “Mainstream”: “Actually the number of martyrs was quite
large… In fact, in the then dominating context of religious symbolism and mysticism
in the revolutionary organizations, Bhagat Singh’s atheism could have been a
good enough reason for him to be less glorified than some others. How do we
then make sense of the extraordinary stature that Bhagat Singh gained at the
young age of less than 24 years?”
Bhagat Singh was highly respected and
loved among his comrades for his knowledge and qualities of a good human being.
His slogan of ‘Inquilab Zindabad (Long Live Revolution)’ came to replace
the earlier popular slogan ‘Vande Mataram’. His serious rethinking on making a
choice between terrorist actions and revolution, the Irish nationalist path and
the Marxist-Leninist road, as also his maturity of mind reflected in three of
his writings during the last six months of his life reflect an image quite
different from the popular perception about the martyr. His popular image in
the minds of most Indians in those days, as also at present, was of a handsome
young man who challenged the mighty British Empire, avenged the national insult
of the British assault on Lala Lajpat Rai, and smilingly sacrificed his life
alongside two other comrades, Rajguru and Sukhdev.
A number of students and youth
organizations sprang up at various places. The most prominent of these was the Naujawan
Bharat Sabha, first established at Lahore in 1926 which, in the words of
Subhas Bose, was “a thoroughgoing nationalist movement, in order to fight
communalism and religious fanaticism in Punjab”. The radicalism inspired by
that Russian Revolution affected not only those who were dissatisfied with the
course of Gandhian struggle but also a new generation of Congress-men like
Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose.
The year 1928 was marked by an anti-Simon Commission upsurge
everywhere in India. On 30 October 1928, the Simon Commission faced a large
hostile crowd led by Lala Lajpat Rai at Lahore Station. The Lala was severely
beaten by the Police under J. A. Scot, British SP and he later succumbed to his
head injury. The whole nation was stunned by this savagery. As news of the
attack on Lajpat Rai spread, the country reacted with anger. Bhagat Singh was
appalled. He could not believe that a white man could dare take a stick in hand
and set upon Lajpat Rai. The HSRA (Hindustan Socialist Republic Army) decided
to undertake retaliatory action. On 17 December, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev
and Chandra Shekhar Azad mistook the ASP, J. P. Scot for Saunders, as they
pounced upon him and shot him dead.
A few months later, on 8 April 1929, Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar
Datta threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly Hall in Delhi. It was
hurled from the midst of a packed gallery, not aimed at anybody, but to draw
the attention of the House, the Indian people and the British rulers in India.
As Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar Dutt had planned not to escape after throwing
the bomb, they were arrested. While Dutt was sentenced to transportation for
life in the Assembly Bomb Case, Bhagat Singh, along with Rajguru and Sukhdev,
was sentenced to death for the murder of Saunders in what became famous as the
Lahore conspiracy case.
One does get the feel of direct rapport of Bhagat Singh with
the people in his words as quoted by Shiv Verma in ‘Sansmritiyan’ :“The
people of the country appreciate our courage and our actions but they are not
able to directly connect with us. So far we have not even told them in clear
words regarding the meaning of the freedom that we talk about—what would be the
form and content of that freedom. What would be the shape of the government to
be constituted after the exit of the British and who would constitute that
government? To give our movement a popular support base we will have to take
our objectives and programme to the people. Because without gaining such a
support our old type of sporadic individual actions of killing one or the other
British official or government approvers will not do.”
Next column: Mahatma Gandhi on
The Secret of Bhagat Singh’s Popularity
Reviewed by Dr.Hari Desai
October 06, 2019

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